Smart Room - Berlin

Smart Room

Berlin, Germany

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An intellectual journey for a team of 2 to 5 people, where everyone's abilities, may apply to the quiz solution to the test. You can arrive at a crime scene...

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Capacity: 2-5

Phone: 172 414 22 09 

Nöldnerstr. 1., 10317

Leichenhaus - Berlin


Berlin, Germany

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Looks like you love horror movies; and your friends have decided to make fun of you. They have locked you in a mortuary for a few minutes just for fun. However,

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Capacity: 2-5

Phone: 172 414 22 09 

Nöldnerstr. 1., 10317

Geheimzimmer - Berlin


Berlin, Germany

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You and your high school friends have decided to visit your favourite teacher. The entrance door is opened. Thus, you have decided to go inside. Nobody is at

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Capacity: 2-5

Phone: 172 414 22 09 

Nöldnerstr. 1., 10317

Casino - Berlin


Berlin, Germany

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Several illegal casinos are located in a small forgettable city near Berlin. There is also one bar there, where an entrance is only for a certain group of

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Capacity: 2-5

Phone: 172 414 22 09 

Nöldnerstr. 1., 10317

Raumschiff - Berlin


Berlin, Germany

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After years of searching, researchers have discovered a new planet and you were been chosen for the mission, just to investigate this planet and to take

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Capacity: 2-5

Phone: 172 414 22 09 

Nöldnerstr. 1., 10317

Alice im Smartland - Berlin

Alice im Smartland

Berlin, Germany

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When you were the last time in Wonderland? Did it feel as if everything is just a unique big dream? And that is not your dream it since the but Alice?

There are no reviews for this game yet.

Capacity: 2-5

Phone: 172 414 22 09 

Nöldnerstr. 1., 10317

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