Das Zombie-Labor - Cologne

Das Zombie-Labor

Cologne, Germany

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The agency needs your help! A mad scientist has developed a deadly virus which will turn everyone into zombies! And he threatens to release it!

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Capacity: 2-5

Phone: 0221 301 403 29

Ubierring 43. 50678 Köln

Die Mgische Bibliothek - Cologne

Die Mgische Bibliothek

Cologne, Germany

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Do you sometimes feel like something sleeps in you? A secret, unused power? Maybe you are right! Go test yourself in this official test of magic.

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Capacity: 4-8

Phone: 0221 301 403 29

Ubierring 43. 50678 Köln

The Killer - Cologne

The Killer

Cologne, Germany

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60 minutes to save the victim of a serial killer. WARNING: This adventure is designed for maximum fun, but it features more than halloween-scares and clever

There are no reviews for this game yet.

Capacity: 3-6

Phone: 0221 301 403 29

Ubierring 43. 50678 Köln

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