Live Exit Game - Mannheim

Live Exit Game

Live Exit Game

Mannheim, Germany

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You've always dreamed to drive your father's old race car. Now the parents are away, and you want the car with your friends try...

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Capacity: 2-5

Phone: 4 917 681 800 984

T6, 19., 68161

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2 Player: 70 EUR
35 EUR / Player
3 Player: 90 EUR
30 EUR / Player
4 Player: 100 EUR
25 EUR / Player
5 Player: 100 EUR
20 EUR / Player

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60 minutes are available to you, to find the key before the parents come home. I wish you success!


You've always dreamed to drive your father's old race car. Now the parents are away, and you want the car with your friends try. 60 minutes are available to you, to find the key before the parents come home. I wish you success


A mad professor has been arrested under false diagnosis your friend in psychiatry. You know which room he is being held. 60 minutes are available to you to free your friend before ...

I wish you success!