The gallery - Munich

Team Escape

The gallery

Munich, Germany

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”The Gallery“ You are being passed a hint that the curator Joe Parker does hide an invaluable treasure in his private gallery.

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Capacity: 2-6

Phone: +49(0) 17656640722

Hiltenspergerstraße 32

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2 Player: 71 USD
36 USD / Player
3 Player: 90 USD
30 USD / Player
4 Player: 110 USD
28 USD / Player
5 Player: 120 USD
24 USD / Player
6 Player: 135 USD
23 USD / Player

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As ill luck would have it he is not in town right now – this is your chance to abstract the object. How do you commit the perfect crime? How do you manage to escape notice and not to set off the alarm? And what kind of object does justify this crime? In a group of 2-6 persons you attempt the impossible. However, confidants and spotters are on to you. So be on the watch and do not get caught.