Halálcsapda - Bunker - Budapest


Halálcsapda - Bunker

Budapest, Hungary

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Already you can choose one of three tracks: psycho killer trap, Death Warrant or Death Trap - Bunker! One thing we guarantee you have not seen! The outbreak

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Capacity: 2-6

Phone: 06-20-311-9471

1075 Budapest Kazinczy u 10. El

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of the chemical disaster, civil protection shelters distributed to the survivors of the Kazinczy Street, Doth points. You're already locked up for several weeks in the bunker and wait for the end of the disaster, getting a bit boring ... will hear a voice prompt: The air filter is defective and you only have an hour of air left completely in reserve. All of your energy you are to get out of the far-ovo place on what will soon be the koporsótok well. Try to find out from the land that the disaster is already over, already past deadly radiation hazard, and toxic gases on the surface and you get out of the bunker. During the game you need to escape a unique environment, a real óvóhelyről, you have to find a way that I could get out. If you succeed in your mission in 60 minutes, only stay alive!