Escape Room 076 Breda - Breda

Escape Room 076 Breda

Escape Room 076 Breda

Breda, Netherlands

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A wonderful experience full of excitement and adventure. Ideal as a group outing with friends, family and colleagues.

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Capacity: 2-8

Phone: 076-5640062

Oude Vest 4., 4811 HT

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2 Player: 66 EUR
33 EUR / Player
3 Player: 77 EUR
26 EUR / Player
4 Player: 88 EUR
22 EUR / Player
5 Player: 99 EUR
20 EUR / Player
6 Player: 111 EUR
19 EUR / Player

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At the appointed time, you will be received by an old stager PTT which will guide you to the top floor of the building and will allow you to the office of mr. Sigmund. Through riddles and contracts will escape from the office getting closer.
No dirt or scary experiences; but really exciting!ű


Forgetting office
In 1989, disappeared on an employee inexplicably. It was rumored that he had collected very incriminating material against the directors and senior officials of the former PTT. Mr. F. Siegmund was on February 13 1989 disappeared. Despite extensive police investigation was never heard from him. It is suspected that at the espionage, bribery and links with the international mafia existed within the high ranks of the PTT.

In the office at the Oude Vest worked when 400 employees. It was the center of all communications in the Netherlands.

More than 26 years after the disappearance of the PTT employee has his office discovered by maintenance engineers. In space have uncovered clues that more than confirm the rumors about his suspicions. It is possible to enter the old office worker, but at your own risk.

This escape room 076 Breda is more than a few puzzles ... Try this real life game to follow the thoughts of the missing Mr. Siegmund. What he was on the track ...

Forgetting office is now booking until 14 people. In groups of 8 persons the group is divided between two identical rooms. The group started at the same time .... But who leave there as before the office?!?

Room 2:

the mailroom
The mailroom was hectic center of the building on the Oude Vest 4. Here came all mail in and was checked, weighed and sorted. Everything had obviously fast, efficient and safe place so that the recipients of all time was delivered. But of course the temptation was often large and have lots of mail and packages opened unlawful.
A major package that was on its way late 80s to the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam has never arrived. After a police raid the mailroom was closed by order of the judge of one day to another. However, the work was never recovered. The Rijksmuseum claims to this day still the work of the former PTT.

What happened and why the room was so acute closed? self Go take a look and find out what was going on.
But beware, you go there than you can not get off that easy anymore!

"The Mailroom" is now available starting at 3 t / m 8 people.