Room Escape Amsterdam - Amsterdam

Room Escape Amsterdam

Room Escape Amsterdam

Amsterdam, Netherlands

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Room Escape Amsterdam is situated in the old Armory Sloten, Ammunition Division. Built in 1898 for the storage of ammunition and explosives for the Sector Sloten....

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Capacity: 2-7

Phone: 204 635 850

Joris van den Berghweg 101a midden

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90 EUR

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in Amsterdam) The building is a part of the Defence Line of Amsterdam (?Stelling van Amsterdam? in Dutch), which is a 135 km long circular defence at 15-20 km around the capital Amsterdam which was constructed by the Ministry of War mostly between about 1881 and 1914. An extreem left wing anarchist terrorist group, names SAJO, broke in to the Armory and planted a bomb. It is up to you and your group to disable the bomb before it destroyes the Armory. Are you ready to stop this bomb? You have one hour.


The Weapon Depot, Room Escape Amsterdam 

The Weapon Depot, Room Escape Amsterdam – January 27, 1918 – sector Sloten Building A, Section ammunition storage.
Has received a notification that a left – extremist anarchist group called Sajo – klub has raided the ammunition warehouse A. At this time you, as a security commander, you and your team, are responsible to stop this attack. The Sajo, with five men, has planted a bomb that will go off in an hour.

Are you able to stop this extremist attack of the extreme left Sajo?

Het Weapon Depot and Teambuilding

Weapon Depot is a Room Escape adventure you will never forget. Step into the world where stress, teambuilding, media and technology converge. Combine your Room Escape adventure in the Weapon Depot with one of our workshops or other activities. How about an exciting CityGPSGame?

The Vault by Room Escape Amsterdam

Together with your team, you have finally managed to break into The Vault of Amsterdam. The guards will be gone for one hour before they are back for their next round along The Vault. This means you have all the time in the world to crack the safes and be gone with all the wealth you’ll ever need. But what is that? one of you triggered the locking system.

Teambuilding is the “keyword”. There is now only one concern, to open the safe door and be sure that you are gone before the guards are back and you will spend the rest of your life in prison.

The Vault and Teambuilding

The Vault is a Room Escape adventure you will never forget. Step into the world where stress, teambuilding, media and technology converge. Combine your Room Escape adventure in the Vault with one of our workshops or other activities. How about an exciting CityGPSGame?