Room Escape Heerlen - Heerlen

Room Escape Heerlen

Room Escape Heerlen

Heerlen, Netherlands

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You and your team enter the room. *Bang! The door closes behind you. On the wall there’s a clock, it starts counting down.. from 60 minutes to zero..

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Capaciteit: 2-5

Telefoon: 0031 6 29 07 95 48

Auvermoerstraat 25 6433 CC Hoensbroek

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80 EUR

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Let’s play a little game.. The assignment is very simple, escape the room within the hour.

Use your knowledge, problem solving tactics, team management and clear thinking to solve puzzles and riddles and find hidden clues. Only by working together as a team you will be able to gather all the hints and escape the room in time.
Room Escape Heerlen has 2 identical rooms and a pop-up escape available. Forget the world around you and only focus on one goal: get the $%#@ out of here!
This real-life escape game will gives you the thrills, but luckily you’re not alone.. your teammates and you have to stay calm together, relying on your shared knowledge to work with the clues.
Perfectly suitable as a team-building game, bachelor parties, or with family and friends.
Next to Room Escape Heerlen we are also proud owner of Room Escape Maastricht. Here we have 4 rooms and a pop-up escape available. Click here for the website of Room Escape Maastricht


Not everbody was fitted for working in the mines. Descending to 400 meters to crawl your way through the shafts while carrying heavy tools. Feeling the pressure from all the earth above you… Do you have what it takes to enter the mines?

We have duplicated this room, so it can be played with 2 teams against each other! Battle for the ultimate Escapist title!


Chaos, stress and panic! What is going on backstage at the circus? Why did everybody suddenly left?

-Circus Escape is our pop-up escape room. 10 people can play the circus escape at the same time. We ensemble our circus escape on your location (sports club, company, party..), or at our own location as an extra room if you are visiting us with a large group..