Encounter - Singapore



Singapore, Singapore

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What is Encounter? Encounter is an interactive real-life suspense game with the element of an escape game. We got our inspiration from these point-and-click escape...

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Capacity: 2-8

Phone: 6 563 415 830

302 Jalan Besar #B1-01

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2 Player: 35 SGD
18 SGD / Player
3 Player: 35 SGD
12 SGD / Player
4 Player: 35 SGD
9 SGD / Player
5 Player: 30 SGD
6 SGD / Player
6 Player: 30 SGD
5 SGD / Player

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play by improving the settings, introducing progressive story line with realistic suspense elements while you solve different tasks. Thereby enhancing the realism of the game that will stir your excitement and put your courage to the test. We intend to let you, your friends, colleagues and family members enjoy an experience of a life time.


Millions of people around the world went missing without a trace every year.
Could they ever be found or return?
Suspense surrounding this apartment of a missing family has brought you and your friends to embark on a mission to find out the truth. You found a way into their locked apartment and now you are standing right in front of the gate, what will you do? 
Are you ready to put your courage to the test?


What happened to Mrs Fong and her daughters? What will be revealed in The Hospital?


 You are having vacation on a cruise. You felt a strong vibration followed by an emergency announcement. You rushed to the upper deck trying to find out more and entered a first class cabin which was left open to explore. 
Will you be able to make it out before the cruise sink?