Trapped - Singapore



Singapore, Singapore

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Picture this, you're trapped in a room with your peers, and there seems to be almost no way out. Become the master at solving puzzles, discovering hidden clues,...

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Capacity: 2-8

Phone: +65-66369722

2nd Outlet *SCAPE2 Orchard Link, #02-20/21/22,S237978

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24 SGD

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Picture this, you're trapped in a room with your peers, and there seems to be almost no way out. Become the master at solving puzzles, discovering hidden clues, uncovering mysteries and succeeding to escape our well thought and creative concept rooms or also known as real escape game in Singapore. Trapped provides you the opportunity to put your mystery solving skills and IQ to the test. We?ve brought the online virtual escape games to reality, but with a twist. Book with us now to enjoy a mind-blowing experience