2013 was the first live-escape game to Germany in 2014 there were more and more, Germany's big cities are experiencing a real boom. And now it's also in the Siegerland come: the MysteRiOOM opened in a few weeks! In groups of 2-6 people have within a space fulfilled tasks and puzzles to be solved. Each object is important, every scrap of paper is required - really? The concept is ideal for team-building activities, as well you can organize there, spend time with friends an exciting afternoon or celebrate the bachelor party with us your birthday. For more information you can find on our home page!

50.8964334,7.8753856), map: map, title: 'MysteRiOOM', icon: 'https://www.roomescape.com/addons/default/themes/exitgames/img/marker-icon.png' }); var contentString = '
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MysteRiOOM is a live Escape Game. Puzzles have to be solved and doors are opened ... But look for yourself!

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