List of Escape Room Games

Check out the following 3 room escape games in Bury

TrappedIn - Time Machine

Bury, United Kingdom

From 14 GBP / player

Mad professor Elias Ivarsson from Sweden has been creating the world’s first inter dimensional time machine...

From 14 GBP / player

Capacity: 2-6


TrappedIn - Crazy Clown's Carnival

Bury, United Kingdom

From 14 GBP / player

The clown has gone mad and won't let you leave his carnival tent until you've completed all his challenges.

From 14 GBP / player

Capacity: 2-6


TrappedIn - Air Traffic Control

Bury, United Kingdom

From 14 GBP / player

​Terrorists have attacked the air traffic control tower, kidnapping the air traffic controllers and damaging vital computer systems.

From 14 GBP / player

Capacity: 2-6

Did you know that Bury has escape room games? If not, it's really time to check and test them with your friends!

Visit the escape rooms of Bury!

Bury can't wait to see you in it's escape rooms! If you want to prepare yourself and want to have some informations about Bury's escape room games before you play, you found the perfect place. You can collect all the necessary informations about the rooms and the games, we try to make it easier for you to choose your game. If you never heard about escape room games before, the most important things you need to know about them: this is a team game, the team is locked in a room they have to escape in time by finding and combinating hidden objects solving puzzles, and hacking codes. The time limit is usually one hour.