Escapade - Auckland



Auckland, New Zealand

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There's a mystery to be solved, and the clock?s ticking! Using your observational skills, problem solving ability, street smarts and common sense, you need to...

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Capacity: 2-6

Phone: 93,033,570

CONTACT INFO Level 1, 23 Victoria St East

Email address




1 Player: 35 NZD
35 NZD / Player
2 Player: 70 NZD
35 NZD / Player
3 Player: 96 NZD
32 NZD / Player
4 Player: 128 NZD
32 NZD / Player
5 Player: 145 NZD
29 NZD / Player
6 Player: 174 NZD
29 NZD / Player

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your team race to find the answers. Escapade tests your nerve under pressure, stretches your mind and channels your inner Sherlock Holmes. It's exciting, challenging, and totally different: just about the best fun you can have in a locked room and after you've escaped you can relax with a drink in our lounge! You can try Escapade with your mates or work colleagues 'or even challenge other groups to take you on head to head in the room across the hall. Whether you're a whizz at puzzles, have sharp eyes for detail, or even just think a little differently, you could be an Escapade champion.



You’re in the classic Kiwiana bach (beach house) - faded couches, old lamps, that vintage sailboat picture on the wall...but something’s up. You’ve got a cryptic message from Grandma giving you the clue to an old mystery only the most observant, street smart investigators will solve. This tricky mystery will test you to the limits of your imagination and creativity - are you up for the challenge?


Back in the day, New Zealand’s gold rush had hopeful prospectors searching rivers, mountains and caves for the elusive payload. You’ve stumbled across a gold mining shed way out in the bush, and you could be on the way to a secret fortune! Our curly clues and puzzles will keep you on the hop as you race the clock to find the solution - and the gold...


Locked in a mystical tavern from times long past, you’re on a quest to save the city. But, there’s evil hot on your trail: the darkness is coming, and only you can shine the light of salvation. Working through the ancient clues and puzzles you’ll find a way to protect the people, but it’s not going to be easy. The pressure’s on: can you save the city and escape before the darkness returns?