Operation: Casino - Atlanta

Operation: Casino

Atlanta, United States

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In this life-sized spy game, you will be sent on a trail of clues to discover the alias of a missing agent, and bring down the syndicate responsible for his

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Capacity: 2-8

Phone: 404-620-2477

Break Out Atlanta-x

Museum Heist - Atlanta

Museum Heist

Atlanta, United States

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As former art thieves, you and your friends are hired to find a rare collection of stolen artwork on the eve of a prestigious gallery opening. Breaking your way

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Capacity: 2-8

Phone: 404-620-2477

Break Out Atlanta-x

Hostage - Atlanta


Atlanta, United States

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While on a flight, your plane is hijacked and you lose consciousness as the cabin depressurizes. Later you wake up and realize you're trapped, handcuffed to

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Capacity: 2-8

Phone: 404-620-2477

Break Out Atlanta-x

The Kidnapping - Atlanta

The Kidnapping

Atlanta, United States

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The kidnapping begins with you and your fellow captives waking up handcuffed and blindfolded in a strange room. With nothing but collective brainpower, hidden

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Capacity: 2-8

Phone: 404-620-2477

Break Out Atlanta-x

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