Art Gallery - Philadelphia

Art Gallery

Philadelphia, United States

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You’re trapped in an Art Gallery owned by a few shady individuals. Can you make it out?

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Capacity: 2-10

Phone: 215-608-8110

101 North 15th Street Second Floor, Corner of 15th Street and Arch Street

Cased Closed - Philadelphia

Cased Closed

Philadelphia, United States

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Your friend, a highly ranked secret Agent has crossed international boundaries and stumbled upon a Classified Document that could change the world! Disappearing

There are no reviews for this game yet.

Capacity: 2-8

Phone: 215-608-8110

101 North 15th Street Second Floor, Corner of 15th Street and Arch Street

Mojo Room - Philadelphia

Mojo Room

Philadelphia, United States

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Do you have the mojo to make it out of this 1970’s themed room? This awesome room puts up a great challenge for any team.

There are no reviews for this game yet.

Capacity: 2-8

Phone: 215-608-8110

101 North 15th Street Second Floor, Corner of 15th Street and Arch Street

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