The Wizard's Apothecary - Washington

The Wizard's Apothecary

Washington, United States

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The King's Royal Wizard has gone missing! You, his faithful apprentices, have been summoned by the King to find him. Disturbingly, you find that the wizard has

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Capacity: 8-12

Phone: 1-800-616-4880

814 King Street, Floor 2

Poe-Ranormal Activity - Washington

Poe-Ranormal Activity

Washington, United States

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You are a team of paranormal investigators from Discovery Channel's 'Destination America' and have been given permission to enter Poe's old chambers in search

There are no reviews for this game yet.

Capacity: 8-10

Phone: 1-800-616-4880

2300 Wisconsin Ave. NW, Suite G-102 Washington, DC 20007

Moriarty's Madness - Washington

Moriarty's Madness

Washington, United States

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As Sherlock, you have broken into Professor James Moriarty's office... and he isn't happy. What does he have planned and can you stop it from happening?

There are no reviews for this game yet.

Capacity: 6-8

Phone: 1-800-616-4880

814 King Street, Floor 2

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